29 September 2013

Four Stars at Amazon? What Have Those People Been Smoking!? David Wellington, "Chimera"

1.5 Stars out of 5: Oops!

You really, really want to feel good for Captain Jim Chapel. After all, he's a bona fide hero, having returned from duty in one of our dirty little wars minus his left arm, but he's still in his country's service. You want to feel proud for him… though it's a little hard since he still occasionally wallows in self-pity.

That seems about to change, though, when Chapel is tapped for a super-secret mission by the head of his employer, the DIA (an admiral, not some weenie general). It seems a handful of super-dangerous… criminals? detainees? experiments? have escaped from a super-secret compound hidden deep in the Poconos (is it possible to hide anything in the Poconos? I mean, really…) Now these indefatigable balls of inchoate rage have fanned out across the country looking for a list of eight people. Never mind for now how the DoD (or was it the CIA) got their paws on the list of names.