Mary Roach is the kind of science writer who really gets into her research, although for Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex one might more accurately state that her research gets into her. Literally (and I mean that in the true sense of the word) "into" her: in her latest book, an improbable glimpse into the laboratories and lives of sex researchers, Ms Roach volunteered herself as a test subject in not one but two studies. All of which takes participation to new heights (or lows, I suppose, depending on one's viewpoint).
Bonk follows on the heels of Stiff, Roach's investigation into the post-mortem "careers" of cadavers willed to science; and Spook, in which Roach pokes into scientific studies of the afterlife. As in her earlier books, Roach brings to the subject insatiable curiosity, in-depth research, and a willingness to do anything - and I do mean anything - to get the story. |