This Dark Road to Mercy - Wiley Cash

Easter Quillby and her little sister Ruby are orphans – sort of. Mom Corinne Quillby ODed a while back and Dad, pitcher (L) Wade Chesterfield, relinquished his parental rights long ago, so the sisters live in foster care. But Wade is back and wants his girls. He wants them because he’s just come into money, lots of it, and can finally take care of them. The problem with that is that it isn’t Wade’s money, and in fact doesn’t even belong to the guy he stole it from. That’s why Pruitt is on their trail.
Brady Weller’s on their trail, too, but unlike Pruitt, Brady’s not bad through-and-through. He’s just sort of situationally bad. Brady, an ex-cop drummed off the force for a little accident a while back, is the girls’ guardian
ad litem, and he takes the “quardian” part pretty seriously. Once he figures out the score, Brady can really turn it on.
He’d better: these girls definitely need a guardian…